Music School

The aim of the Fribourg Landwehr School of Music is to provide musicians with a solid musical education.

Training at the Landwehr currently includes group lessons in music for the youngest children (1st and 2nd year Harmos) as well as the School of Music (EML): for around two to three years, children learn solfège and play the recorder individually, before choosing a wind band instrument and taking lessons at the Conservatoire, with the aim of perhaps one day joining our ensemble of young musicians, the Jeune Garde Landwehr (JGL).

For more information, download the Music School flyer.

Organisation of lessons

Eveil à la Musique lessons take place in groups (max. 8 pupils).

Recorder and music theory lessons are given individually, in 17 30-minute lessons per semester.

All our lessons are given at the Landwehr premises by professional teachers.

As for the instrumentalists, they usually receive their training at the conservatoire.

Twice a year, we organise a small concert with the pupils of the Music school. For the autumn term, a concert is held during the St Nicholas period (Landwehr Christmas Tree). A public audition for the recorder players is organised in the spring. In order to bond with our young band, the members of the EML take part in one day of the JGL camp.


Group lessons are charged at CHF 200.00 per child per term.

For recorder lessons, 17 lessons of 30 minutes: CHF 300.00/semester.

For instrumentalists, the Landwehr pays half the cost of the conservatoire. Pupils who hire a wind instrument from the Landwehr (clarinet, trumpet, etc.) will have to pay a further CHF 20.00 per month. The recorder is at your own expense.


You can contact us by following the Jeune Garde’s contact link, or call its secretary, Véronique Hertling, directly on 026 552 18 04.

Cours de flûte à bec